Thursday 29 March 2012

A granny square rope rug, a Royal Guard cross stitch, granny squares, and crochet WIPs

Hey! I'm back! I still haven't found my camera, but Scott dug out his old one which, luckily, still works! ^_^ 

So, here's what I've been working on ...

The cotton rope granny square rug - it's finished! Yay!

I ended up using over 200 meters of rope ... and I probably could have brought a rug for about the same price and less effort. *But* I love how it turned out and I enjoyed making it, so I think that's worth the cost ^_^

I finished this cute little cross-stitch - I'm going to give this to Scott's grandma for Mothers' Day. I'm glad it's finally finished!

I've also been making granny squares ... so far I've made 54 squares towards the Death Star blanket! Only 418 to go ... >_<

Nikita was happy to model for me ... photos of granny squares can be lovely, but when they're this monochrome, it's a little boring. She livens it up a bit! ^_^

I haven't done much on this granny ripple rug so far, but it's getting there! I really like the colours ^_^

I'm still not sure if I'm doing the edges right; I'm following the pattern but they look like they're increasing still. I might do a swatch in some scrap wool to practice a bit more.

I've also been making a cover for my little ottoman. I need to buy more wool though (what a pity!) as I have already used up the two balls of wool I had in those colours.

Still, it looks pretty, doesn't it? ^_^

That's all for the crafting today *but* I will say - go and watch the Hunger Games! It was *such* a great movie; relatively true to the books, great casting choices, and amazing set design. (Yes, set design is important to me ~_^)

I hope you had a fantastic day today! Tell me, are you working on anything at the moment? I'd love to know! ^_^

- Lisa x


  1. omg your house must be full of so much pwnsome crafty things! How big is your rope rug? I want to make a doily one!

    Your comment about buying a rug for cheaper and less effor made me laugh - have you seen a show called Craft Corner Death Match? The host's catchphrase was 'it's cheaper and easier to buy stuff!!'

    1. Hi Omlair,

      I like to *think* it's full of pwnsome things - maybe I should do a house-tour one day? ~_^

      The rope rug is about 55cm square. I think a doily one would be great! You would need *a lot* of rope. Here is something I did not know before; Bunnings have huge rolls of rope of which they will cut to the length you need, which is super awesome because there are much less ends to weave in than if you buy small packets of rope.

      And I haven't seen that show, but it sounds good! I'm off to explore the internet! ~_^

  2. I'm sooooo impressed with your rope rug Lisa! How big did it end up being? Hopefully I'll see you at Crafternoon one day (I don't have a car now I ditched the job so I can't always get out there now). Bestest!

    1. Thanks Colleen! The rug is about 55cm square ... big enough to stand on but not overwhelm our tiny bathroom ^_^

      I hope you can come to Crafternoon too! It's always good to catch up ^_^

  3. Your ripple rug looks amazing, go you and your talented fingers!

    1. Thanks Bec! I was totes confused why my stats said I had another comment here but I couldn't find it ... it was in the spam folder! Are you secretly a robot? ~_^

  4. you're crocheting an entire house! awesome!

  5. He he, I guess I am! ^_^ I am sure there are more things around here that need covers ... washing machine? dining table? computer? ~_^
