Thursday 27 September 2012

Fresh baked pi embroidery hoop

Hey! I finished this embroidery piece for the Harry Potter Craft-a-long and I'm really happy with it! ^_^

 I used part of a fat quarter of pink fabric from Spotlight and black embroidery thread.

I aimed for a kind of sketchy look which works really well for me because my embroidery skills are not that great! ~_^

I'm especially happy with how this bit of text turned out! Yay for improvement of skills!

The image I used is from here and I added the text in Illustrator using "Velocette" and "Gabriola"  ^_^

The hoop was from an op-shop and for some reason it had writing on it so I covered the embroidery hoop in washi tape before I began stitching. I really love the look! ^_^
- Lisa xx


  1. oh wow! your hoop is so amazing! I thought it was like, a professional one before I clicked through.

    And YOU made it, so you totally are professional!!

    1. Awww, Tanya, you're so nice! ^_^ Thank you!

  2. Yo, Your hoop is brilliant - go you!

  3. That hoop is just amazing! You are such a great stitcher! As for the suitcase - mustard sounds charming!

    1. Thanks Kate! And I'm glad you approve of mustard ^_^
