Thursday 20 December 2012

Ninni Monsters and Mustache Cuff Links

Hey! Today I finished four Ninni Monsters - yay! ^_^

I have another four monsters cut out but I still need to sew on the eyes and such.

I think that the best thing about Ninni Monsters is that you only need a small amount of fabric so they're great for using up remenents. Do you have a favourite? I think I like the pink one the best ^_^

I also made these mustache cuff-links. They are a custom order for a friend at work, and I think they turned out really well ^_^

I actually made two pairs, but they look exactly the same so you can just pretend that these photos are of two different sets of cuff-links ~_^

I've got three more pairs of cuff-link fastenings, so what do you think I should put on those? Maybe I should make some Death Stars ones for Scott?

Have a great weekend!

- Lisa x


  1. Lisa

    Those monsters are soooooo cute. I like the blue one best. How about Tardis cufflinks? he he.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. TARDIS cuff-links would be cool! Thanks Sara ^_^
