Saturday 1 December 2012

Thrift shop embroidery hoop

Hey! So much for a regular posting schedule, huh? Scott and I have both been sick - which totally sucks. We've just been walking around like zombies for the last week, except hunting for frozen things to numb our sore throats instead of brains.

Anyway, we're both on the mend, and I have a finished project to show you! First though, have you heard "Thrift Shop" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis? Go on, I'll wait while you watch it. Oh, and P.S. - there are lots of swears in this one.

Anyway, I'm kinda a little bit obsessed with it ... so I made this embroidery ^_^

I wanted this to a be really quick project, so instead of embroidering a coat I used one of my Blythe ones. My girls don't wear coats very often but I can easily detach it if I want to in the future.

I really do need to find a better way to transfer patterns onto my fabric though; I've just been doing the ol' lightbox and transfer pen method, but I'd like to try a more accurate way ... Do you have any suggestions?

Here's a shot with my hand to show you the scale of this peice - the hoop is 12" which I think makes this the biggest embroidery hoop I've ever done.

I got the fabric in a pack so I'm not sure what it's called, but I really like it. The white patterns are of lotus leaves, birds, and swirly clouds. I think this will be a nice addition to my hoop wall (which is yet to actually exist, but hey! ~_^)

What do you think? I hope you like it!

Are you ever inspired to craft by songs?

- Lisa x


  1. Had to come back and comment, because this hoop is fo shiz awesome!
    The tiny jacket is adorable and adds a whole new dimension to the piece (a third dimension if you were wondering).

  2. this is so cute! how clever you are :)

  3. Well, that video REALLY made me laugh! Didn't understand anything but the swear words, but L O V E that thrift shop!!!!!


    1. Thanks for your comments, Penny! ^__^ I've never seen an iron-on pen before, I'll have to check it out at the craft store next time I'm there! I so wish thrift shops here in Australia looked like the one in the video ^__^

  4. About transferring for embroidery, you can get a transfer pen that irons on to the fabric. Only problem is you have to write in mirror writing - but I guess you could print from your computer on thinnish paper and then write over with the transfer pen on the back...

