Thursday 14 February 2013

My Love is True embroidery hoop

Hey! Happy Valentine's Day! ^_^

I was going to post this a bit earlier, but life got in the way (*shakes fist* "llliiiiffffeee!") but I think the timing has all worked our rather well anyway.

I stitched up this pattern from Sublime Stitching as another hoop to go on our hoop wall (which I really do have to show you soon) and I think it turned out really well! 

It's dedicated to my wonderful husband, Scott, who is amazing good at appreciating all the random handmade presents that he recieves and also at putting up with questions like "do you think this pink is more fushia or hot?" and "will you try on this winter hat I'm making even though it's the middle of summer?" and "can we go op-shopping today? again?" ~_^ He's the best! ^_^

Anyway, going back to the craft ... I used primarily backstich for this pattern, except for the outline of the heart which is split stitch and also a couple of lazy daises. The hot pink heart outline and the emerald green parts that kinda look like scars are done in DMC satin embroidery thread which is a lovely silky thread which is unfortunatly also a massive pain to knot! If you use it, here's a little tip: a bit of 'fray stop' on the starting and finishing knots will keep everything secure and also won't damage the good side of the embroidery.

Here's one of my lazy daises! After running stitch, I'm pretty sure lazy daisies were the next thing I learnt to embroider as a little girl. I still can't do french knots properly though, so I did little crosses in the middle of the flowers ^_^

Anyway, I hope you like it and that you have a lovely Valentine's Day! ^_^

- Lisa x


  1. aww, super sweet :D

    I like your title, ronan keating right? though I prefer the version by alison krauss better :D

    1. Yes, that song was so popular when Scott and I were in high school; it was played at every single dance we went to! I'd never heard the version by Alison Krauss before - I enjoyed it though! ^_^

  2. Love your hoop Lisa and yes we must see your wall! I love being nosy.

    1. Thanks Sara! I love being nosy and seeing people's houses too ~_^

  3. This is so damn awesome you clever lady!

  4. SO. AMAZE.

    Stylized anatomical hearts are my JAM! You did an amazing job!

    1. Thank you! I *love* anatomical anything, but especially hearts! ^_^ Sublime Stitching does an awesome "vital organs" pattern which I totes have to stitch up next ^_^
