Friday 1 March 2013

Bits and Pieces

Hey! Gosh, it's getting close to uni starting now - I am so excited! ^_^ I have been working on a couple of kinda big projects which aren't finished yet, so here are some other things I've been doing ...

I found this set of rainbow seed beads in tiny plastic test tubes! So awesome ^_^ I've been trying to think of something to make with them, but I haven't decided on anything yet.

I've been making a lot of salads and really, really loving these baby beats - yum! ^_^ Colourful lunches are the best!

Washing out paintbrushes makes pretty coloured water, which is also pretty cool ^_^

The power went out for five hours one night, leaving me glad that I own way too many candles and also keep tiny battery operated lanterns in my linen cupboard (that's obviously the logical place to keep them ...) ~_^

Scott and I have been watching "Psych" and having fun competing to spot the pineapple in each episode (yes, we're that easily amused!). It's gotten to the stage where I took this photo while doing the grocery shopping to send to Scott and he's been drawing pineapples and leaving them around the house ^_^

My awesome work friends threw a farewell afternoon tea for me ^_^ Theresa even made me a sugar and flour free cake ... but we all decided that baked goods should definitely contain both of those things! The dapper minifig was one of my presents - I also got *a lot* of stationary (they know me so well ^_^)

I finally gave Nana Alma her new convertible mittens - they're the type that she can pull off the covers that go over her fingers and thumbs to turn them into fingerless mitts when she wants to turn book pages and the like.

Nana Alma, Mum, Bec, and I went to high tea at the WA Museum, which was really great! We also saw "Unveiled" which is an exhibition on the history of wedding outfits - it was really interesting ^_^

I've been doing a little bit of embroidery, and also spent a bit of time organising my floss container. Seeing all of these colours together makes me happy ^_^

I made this little brooch which will be part of my Steampunk Librarian costume for Oz Comic Con (it's next weekend - squee!) using a mini life drawing model. To make the sign I wrote on a piece of balsa wood with the quill and ink my parents brought me from Germany. It didn't turn out perfectly neat but I still like how it looks ^_^ I also added a tiny top hat made from Sculpey and drew on a little mustache using my trusty Sharpie ^_^

And I finished off these little Harry and Ron brooches ^_^ To make them I just used blanket stitch to attach the fabric cut out to a piece of felt. The fabric is one of my designs from my Spoonflower store.

What have you been working on?

- Lisa x


  1. Golly Lisa you have been so busy! I love your little Harry and Ron brooches and those teacups are so pretty.

    I can't wait to see what you do with lovely beads.

    Good luck for Uni too.
