Wednesday 20 March 2013

Many skirts

Hello! How are you? I'm going well! I have been trying to save money this year because I'm not working as much, and that gives me the perfect reason to finish off some WIPs and make some new stash crafts ^_^

I started making this pleated skirt AGES ago and it was almost done (only the hemming to go) when I realised that I'd sewn the skirt panel on upside down! >_< Silly Lisa! After spending a couple of hours unpicking all the seams (overlocker stitching is the worst to unpick!) I decided I was sick of looking at my craft fail and so stuck it in my craft room and ignored it for a while.

But look at it now! It's finished! Yayyyy! ^_^

 Since I'd already cut out the pieces *and* made this skirt before, it was actually really quick to finish. *And* I put a zip in all by myself! That doesn't sound like a big deal, but it totally is ~_^

 Here's a close-up of the fabric pattern. Isn't it the cutest? 

Then I figured that since I already had the sewing machine and overlocker set up, I might as well use up some more fabric and I made another pretty skirt with this floral stash fabric ...

... and then I made *another* one!

I love the graffitti meets paisley look of this fabric ^_^

They were both super easy to make because all I did was pleat a big rectangle of fabric, sew it onto a waistband, add a zip, and then hem the bottom. All three of these skirts were also 100% stash! Even the zips! Last time I headed down South to visit my parents I stopped in at a couple of op-shops on the way and at one of them I found a big bag of vintage zips for $5 - total score, right? ^_^ I knew they'd be useful, and they totally are - I've got about 15 still to use up, so I guess more skirts are in my future! ^_^

And, speaking of op-shops, while I was looking for a shirt for Scott's steampunk costume, I found this awesome purple pencil skirt. At the time it was waaaayyyy too big for me but (after some advice from Rebecca) I adjusted the darts at the back and took up the hem and now it fits wonderfully! ^_^

I really do love pencil skirts, so it's lovely to have one that fits well (i.e. goes over my *ahem* rather generous lower half ~_^)

What have you been working on? Do you have any favourite stash-busting craft projects?

- Lisa x


  1. all perf! i love the one at the top!

  2. I'm taking some sewing classes next month. so frickin excited because I'm going to learn how to put a zip in! *hooray* so very jelous of your skills. Love all of these, especially the floral zip.

    I've been trying to curb my spending, but geez there are too many nice things to buy!!!

    I read 'generous' and 'gorgeous', which i think is more appropriate!!

    1. Thanks Tanya! ^_^

      Zips are tricky little things! Good luck with your sewing class - that would be a fun thing to do I think ^_^

      I know what you mean about saving money ... and the internet is so not helping with my resolutions! >_< Still, if you blog about it it's totally for a good cause, right? ~_^

  3. I am totally jealous of your op-shopping prowess, you always find the most awesome/useful stuff.
    All your skirts look great!

    1. Thanks Bec! I think op-shopping is really just a numbers game - if you go enough *eventually* you will find something awesome! ~_^

  4. You are SO CUTE! I love all these skirts! Ugh, my poor to-mend pile of clothes has been growing so huge. I need a nice, relaxing sewing day ASAP.

    1. Thanks Michelle! I have a pile of clothes to mend too - it's a pity that mending is not nearly as fun as making new things ~_^ I hope you get your relaxing sewing day soon!

  5. Look at you, looking all cute and stuff in your cute skirts and your cute face! So productive! Hurray! ^_^

    1. Thanks Raynor! Being productive is great, isn't it? ^_^
