Saturday 18 May 2013

Hot air balloon sweater clips

I can't even tell you how happy I am it's the weekend! I've got a lot of sleeping in and crafting planned - yay! Are you having a great day? I hope you are ^_^ 

I really like the look of sweater clips, but haven't had much luck finding any around here. Luckily, they're really easy to make! I made this pair with things from my stash, and they were really easy ^_^

 If you'd like to make your own, you can download the files with the large and smaller sizes of these hot air balloon designs here and here.

I've provided three sizes of this hot air balloon design, in three colourways. For the sweater clips I used the smallest size. The medium size is perfect for badges, and I'm thinking of making some bunting with the largest size ^_^

Once you've printed out the designs, cut them out, and then glue them onto a sheet of thin balsa wood. I tried using mod podge first up, but it didn't work that well, so I recommend PVA or some other type of craft glue instead.

Cut around your balsa wood with a pair of scissors, or a scalpel. I personally found the scissors easier, but Scott thinks scalpels are superior. Then sand down the edges with some fine sandpaper. If you don't have any, you can use an old nail file ^_^ Then add another coat of glue around the edges to ensure everything stays well stuck down, and a coat of mod podge on top for protection.

Then you can glue on a badge back. To make sweater clips, I made two of the smallest size hot air balloon, and then just threaded some chain onto the badge back. If you glue your badge back on so that the hinge is at the bottom, your chain will stay in place nicely ^_^

And that's it! Easy peasy huh? I hope you like them!

Next week, I'll show you some things I'm making for the Summer Nerd Games on Craftster. Bec, Pip, and I have made a team dedicated to crafting things inspired by our favourite ladies in geekdom; it's going to be heaps of fun! ^_^ Do you have a favourite nerdy lady? Scott thinks Black Widow is the best, but I don't think Hermione can be surpassed ~_^

- Lisa x


  1. Great hot air balloons, they look fab. Looking forward to your Summer Nerd Games crafting.

    1. Thanks Sara! I think the Nerd Games are going to be so fun - I can't wait to share some projects with you ^_^

  2. sweet lord....i have just stumbled across ur blog and i think ive found my blog heaven!tea, cake, libraries, craft and op shopping...this space is too good to be true!i shall be back!

    mezz (aka mezz makes stuff)

    1. Ha ha ha, thanks Mezz! I'm enjoying your enthusiasm, so I will look forward to seeing you around here again ^_^
