Sunday 28 July 2013

Pterodactyl sweater clips

Here's a fact about me: I *love* toys. So when I found a tub of dinosaurs for $2, I simply couldn't resist bringing them home. Then I set to pondering what to make from them ... You may remember that a while ago I made some dinosaur brooches; I decided to tweak that project just slightly to make Pterodactyl sweater clips - yay! ^_^

It's been very rainy and windy here lately, which is not optimal weather for spray painting, so I painted my Pterodactyls with some emerald green nail polish. Painting them in this way does take longer, but they turned out very shiny and not sticky at all (which can sometimes be an issue with spray paint).

One thing to keep in mind if you are painting plastic with spray paint is that the original colour of the plastic can affect the final look. I didn't have any problems with this nail polish, but some others I tried were too light to get a good colour, especially if the dinosaur was originally dark brown or dark green. To counter this, you could spray paint them white first and then apply the coloured nail polish or spray paint and then give a coating of clear polish if there is any sticky residue.

To make these Pterodactyls into sweater clips, I just used E6000 to attach a badge back to each one and then threaded chain between them.

I used a rather long chain because I like my sweater clips to have an almost necklacey drape to them, but of course that is up to personal preference! ^_^

I have another dinosaur craft to show you next week, but then I still have heaps more dinosaurs to use up! Any suggestions for what I should create? ^_^

- Lisa x


  1. hey, this is awesome! I love it. so. much. thnx for sharing! Mezz

    1. Thanks Mezz! I'm really glad you like it! ^_^

  2. A sweater clip set that is both adorable and ferocious, too cool! The nail polish you've used definitely gives them more dimension then you get with standard spray paint colours - they look great!

    1. Thanks Bec! Another good thing about nail polish is that there are much more shimmery and sparkly colours available ^_^ (you know I love the shiny!)

  3. Another great make Lisa. They look fab!

  4. you never cease to amaze me with your creativity. What else would one do with tiny plastic dinosaurs? ehehe

    i love those dinosaurs that people use as little pots for tiny cacti, yours are probably too small though so my suggestion is invalid. a mobile?

    1. Thanks Tanya! ^_^ I really like the dinosaur planters too, but you're right, these ones are a bit tiny! I do love the mobile idea though!! ^_^
