Saturday 10 August 2013

Crochet pygmy puff

Hello! How are you? I hope you're doing well! Earlier this week I made a Pygmy Puff plushie and then today, because I'm a bit strange sometimes, I decided to set up a bit of a photo shoot as if it was real and about to head off to Hogwarts with it's young owner. If you want to skip over my ramblings, feel free to scroll down to the bottom of the post where I tell you how to much your own ^_^

 Arnold was originally Ginny Weasley's Puff, and after all these years he's still a mischievous little thing with a tendency to get in places where he shouldn't. He's fat and cuddly and has become more pink in his old age, although his face and ears are still purple, along with some of his fur.

Now he's going back to Hogwarts with a new Weasley. A little witch in her second year who likes knitting and chess and is bringing hand luggage on the Express because she can't bear to have all her books packed away in her trunk for such a long time.

She's got a brand new copy of Hogwarts: A History, a couple of sickles to buy a treat on the train, and an old suitcase that she found in the attic of Grandma and Granddad's house.

It's a good thing that September 1st is still a while away though, because her trunk is still a bit of a mess and she's only just found the four missing pieces from her chess set.

Arnold isn't helping with the packing much. He just likes to lick the old leather on her suitcase and her camera case; he's a bit weird. But he is rather cute, so she'll probably forgive him.  

Is that a Slytherin tie? Well, yes. She's the first Weasley in centuries to be Sorted into that House, but her family doesn't mind so that's ok and anyway, she rather likes it there.

She's got her robe and tie packed so she doesn't have to wear them the entire train journey, and she's just realised that she really does need more ink. And is four books really enough? I mean, it is a long trip ...

It's been a long time since I wrote fanfiction I'm rather tempted to keep going! But not here, and not now! Instead, I'll tell you how you can make your own Pygmy Puff! ^_^

First, crochet a sphere. I made mine in trebles using a 4mm hook and a wool/acrylic yarn blend that was variegated in colour and graduated in thickness. Once you've stuffed the sphere and woven in your ends, you'll need a pet slicker brush. I got mine from a discount store and I think it's used for dogs with really thick coats. Anyway, you brush the sphere with it and it becomes all fluffy. It takes a while to get an even looking coat, but it's worth it.

Then, cut a small circle of felt and brush that as well. You won't need to brush this as much, you just want it to look less flat and perfect. Embroider on a face and attach it on to the sphere. I sewed on the face but I broke a needle doing so, so glue is probably a better option. To make the ears, cut out two little felt triangles. Pinch two of the corners in together and add a stitch through them to make an ear shape. Stitch or glue them on, ensuring that the base is fairly well covered with the fur.

And that's it! You're done! Now you can give your Puff a name and love it forever. Making up background stories is entirely optional. ~_^

Anyway, I hope you like him! Have you been crafting much lately? I just finished my first week back at uni and I'm already missing all of the lovely crafting time that I had on my break! Do you think anyone would notice if I started crocheting during lectures? ~_^

- Lisa x


  1. You are too cute! I hope you're able to find more crafting time soon!

    Ladyface Blog

  2. Guh! This photo shoot is the greatest - and Arnold looks very good for his years (Pink streaks in a Puff's hair look most distinguished!)

    1. Thanks Bec, I had way too much fun with it! ^__^
