Saturday 21 September 2013

Sweet tooth plushie with free pattern

Hello ... do you have a sweet tooth? No? Would you like one? ^__^

This project has been on my list for quite a while, but last night I finally decided that I couldn't wait any longer and quickly whipped up this little fella with 100% stash items. Huzzah! ^__^

This wide eyed smile is calculated for maximum cuteness level, so I know you'll all want one of your own ~__^

 So I made a pattern for you! Yay! ^__^ Click on the image above to download the .pdf from my Google Drive (and, as always, let me know if you have any problems! ^__^)

To make your own sweet tooth plushie, you'll need;

- white fabric (I used some new jersey that for some unknown reason I had in my craft stash, you could also use cotton, fleece, felt, an old t-shirt ... anything really!). The pattern is sized to print on an A4 page, if you make it that size, you'll need about half a meter of fabric. 
- black and red fabric scraps. You only need a very small amount of fabric to make the face. I used felt because it doesn't fray ^__^ 
- toy stuffing
- white, black, and red threads
- sewing machine. This is probably optional, but I find sewing plushies much easier with a machine, because the seams are much less likely to come undone.

Then all you have to do is cut out two tooth shapes from your white fabric, sew them together (leaving a gap in the seam), turn it inside out, stuff, and then add the face! You could also add the face on first, if you're not forgetful like me ~__^

Yay! I hope you like this little sweetie ^__^ And if you make one for yourself, I'd love to see!

- Lisa xx


  1. aww, what a cute idea! a friend of mine is studying to become a dentist - it would be the perfect birthday gift for him!! if

    1. Thanks Marie! You're right, this would be a perfect dentist gift! I'd love to see your version too! ^__^

  2. you need to take a photo of all your plushies! I'm sure they are arranged nicely.

    This would also be a great gift for someone who has had their wisdom teeth out!

    1. That would be fun! I could have a plushie picnic ~__^

      Having wisdom teeth out is so not fun - a plushie to hug would be a perfect way to comfort someone after that! (Also, icecream!)

  3. Thanks Vanessa! I'm glad you like it ^__^
