Tuesday 3 December 2013

Mini bud vases

Hello! Today I've got some teeny tiny bud vases to show you! ^___^

Eeep! Aren't they precious? I think small things are always extra cute! ^___^

They were also very easy to make! I used washi tape (not much of a suprise there!) and some of the little bottles that my glucometer test strips came in. I was really pleased to think of something to do with these sweet little containers because I have dozens of them! 

All I did to make them was cut off the lid using a pair of scissors, peel the wrapper off ...

... and then decorate with washi tape!

So simple! A coating of mod-podge doesn't go astray, since they will be coming into contact with water, but you can also skip that step. Without the mod-podge, the washi tape is easily removable, so you can have bud vases that you can update to suit any occasion! ^___^

I know that most people reading this won't have heaps of empty test strip containers lying about, but this would also work for reusing almost any kind of small container. I'm just pleased I've been able to use up some of the waste that my diabetes creates! Now ... to work out something to do with all the empty insulin cartridges ... ~___^

- Lisa xx


  1. i love this idea! you can pretty much make anything neat out of washi type, i love it!

    lindsey louise


    1. Washi tape is really the most wonderful thing! I love it too! ^___^

  2. Beautiful bud vases and my favourite daisies. I have a surplus of large rectangular olive oil cans that I plan to either paint or cover somehow. Great inspiration.

    1. Thank you Jodie! ^___^ I'd love to see what you create with your olive oil cans!
