Sunday, 9 September 2012

"A clove a day keeps the vampires away" and "you are my sunshine" embroidery hoops

Hey! I'm back! ^_^ Work's been getting in the way of crafting again - boo! But I have managed to finish two embroidery projects for the Harry Potter Craft-a-long ^_^

This one is for Defense Against the Dark Arts; the challenge was to make something to which could help defeat a Dark Creature - I chose Vampires, obviously ^_^

I'm not totally happy with the text; I wanted it to be a bit rustic and angular but ... ehhh ... I don't know. I'm not unhappy enough to re-do it though ~_^

And this is for Flying Class; something inspired by the sky. I brought both of these patterns from Urban Threads - omg, I brought SO MANY patterns from them o_0 Their patterns are so fab though, and really well priced (I'm not being paid to say this, I swear!)

I'm really happy with how it turned out ^_^

I hope you had a great weekend!

- Lisa x


  1. Lisa

    Both of these pieces look amazing. You certainly have been busy, and yeah I know what you mean about work getting in the way of crafting. Boo to work.

    1. Thanks Sara ^_^ If only crafting could pay the bills, hey? ~_^

  2. you've still gotten heaps done even though you have been time poor! I LOVE the sunshine one. My nickname given to me by mty dad is 'Sunshine'! :D

    1. That's such a cute nickname Tanya! I'm glad you like the hoop ^_^

  3. OooOoO! Those hoops are just lovely (well...I guess the framed one isn't technically a "hoop")! Great work Lisa!
