Sunday 29 July 2012

Dinosaur Desk Set

Hey! I hope you're having an awesome weekend ^_^ I'm so excited to finally show you this project! I really love all the neon dinosaur planters that I've been seeing around, but our house doesn't have much natural light and I'm not allowed plants at my work desk so I decided to make something a bit different.

I made a desk set from three plastic dinosaurs! Yay! I think they look super ^_^

The green Stegosaurus is for holding paperclips. The inside compartment is lined with a flexible magnet which I got in the mail as a calender from a real estate company (I'm sorry, happy smiling man, for cutting into your incredibly shiny teeth and the month of March) so the paperclips will stay in place. 

The blue Triceratops is a sticky tape dispenser. I'm so happy that this actually works! I thought that the sticky tape wasn't actually able to spin properly and I went to bed feeling like a failure but then went I tried it again in the morning, it worked! Yay! Thankyou, craft fairies ~_^

And the pink Velociraptor holds pens ... in a spray-painted giant tic-tac box. Hey, whatever works, right?

Anyway, what do you think? I really hope you like them! ^_^

- Lisa


  1. Wow Lisa, I'm SO super impressed! Just out of curiosity, why no plants? Is it a conservation & bug thing?

    1. Thanks Colleen! And you are absolutely correct - it's a bug prevention thing. I work right next to the original materials people and so our workroom is super strict about having no biological material around. Except us, of course ~_^

  2. Hey Lisa

    Loving the dinosaurs. The Velociraptor is my fav. What a fab idea!

    1. Thanks Sara ^_^ I think the Velociraptor is my favourite too!

  3. LOVE THIS SO MUCH! What a great non-plant way to enjoy some plastic dinos!

    1. Thanks Kate! I thought you might like them (I know you love the neon dinosaur trend) ^_^

  4. Excellent. Finally, an excuse to play with dinosaurs at work.

  5. These are very nice may I ask where you got the figurines?
    I might try this with some animals and spray paint them gold.

    1. Thanks! I got the figures from the Reject Store - it's like the Australian version of the Dollar Store (or so I've been told ^_^)

      I think gold animals would look great! Good luck with your project ^_^
