Thursday 9 August 2012

Ampersand string art, tiny macrame owl, Firebolt poster, and Golden Snitch ornaments

Hi everyone! I'm still not 100% over being sick, but I'm finally back ^_^ And I have some things to show you!

I finally tried doing string art! I really enjoyed it; it was a nice relaxing project perfect for doing in front of the TV. I used an old chopping board that I had been using for wood-burning practise - I just turned it over and spray painted it using metallic charcoal. Then I used upholstery tacks to create the outline of the ampersand.

I originally tried filling it using embroidery thread, but I didn't have enough so I swapped over to using 8 ply red yarn. This project was 100% stash as well - yay for not buying new things! ^_^

I also gave Macrame a go - it was a lot harder than I expected! I used 2 ply cotton thread in purple and an old silver bracelet to make this owl

I'm not totally happy with how it turned out, but it's still pretty cute and I'm glad I tried out this technique ^_^

I used Adobe Illustrator to tidy up a sketch I did and make this poster for the Firebolt broomstick. It was a lot of fun doing this, I really enjoyed vectorising my hand lettering.

I printed it out and gave it a bit of a crumple to make it look a bit more "found" rather than "just printed". 

And, finally, here are the photos I promised of my snitch ornaments!

I spray painted ping-pong balls gold for the bodies, spray painted white feathers silver for the wings, and then joined them together with hot glue.

I can't wait to hang them up on my Christmas tree! ^_^

All of these projects were for the Harry Potter craft-a-long Quidditch challenge. Slytherin House was loosing miserably, but these projects constitute an 80 point increase, which means we're now level with Gryffindor. Go Snakes!

Anyway, how have you been? Did you miss me? ~_^

- Lisa x


  1. I love all of these, just FYI. I am most impressed by your Macrame-ing, Macram-erising, whatever you call it, especially for a first attempt in the technique.
    Curious though, did you print your poster on a patterned paper, or is the background effect part of the image as well?

    1. Thanks Bec! The poster has a textured backgound, appropriately called "old paper". It's one of my favourites, and I've used it in a whole mess of things. Printing it out on patterned paper would be cool too, but I don't have any parchment type paper at the moment ^_^

  2. love the snitches, very cute. I hope you have a massive tree for all these ornaments!

    I love the word ampersand. ampersand ampersand.

    1. Thanks Omlair! I may indeed need to upgrade to a larger tree ... we'll see ^_^

      P.S. I like the word ampersand too - it's fun to say!

  3. you are a machine! how do you do it all?

    1. Thanks Robbie! ^_^ I have a rule that I'm not allowed to watch TV if I'm not crafting at the same time ~_^
