Hi everyone! Tanya and I have been working on a super
secret project for the last month ... and now it's finally time to share
it with you! Yay! ^_^
You might remember that a while ago I was inspired to make an owl hat by a cute beanie that I found in Target.
And Tanya had the AWESOME idea to make our own versions of this foxy hat (and even went out to take her own selfie!) ^_^
So, we're organising a KAL to make awesome, adorable foxy hats -
and we'd love you to join us! You can join us on our Ravelry group here, and we'll be knitting and crocheting
throughout September!
We couldn't find a pattern that we were 100% happy with, so we made our own! ^_^ I made a crochet pattern, and Tanya made a knit one - so you can choose what kind of yarn work you'd like to do! ^_^
Both the patterns are suitable for beginners, and are easily customisable. (Plus, look how cute they are!! ~_^)
Both the patterns are suitable for beginners, and are easily customisable. (Plus, look how cute they are!! ~_^)
We'll be sending them out
to the members of our Ravelry group on September 1st, but you don't have
to stick exactly to the patterns - we wanna see your creativity! The
only guidelines that you should stick to are that your hat should be
flat, seamed, and a fox. That gives you a lot of room to move, huh? ^_^
The KAL is scheduled to start on Sunday September 1st 2013 and finish on Sunday October 6th 2013. Since Tanya and I are both in Australia, we'll be working on Australian time.
We've got some awesome prizes lined up for people finishing their hats by Octover 6th! Everyone who signs up will get a set of printable gift tags ^_^
We've also got an awesome prize of yarn and foxy things for one lucky person (which you can see below!), as well as some little prizes that we'll give out to a few people for totally unquantifiable reasons like creativity and participation ~_^
If you want to, you can also add a link to the Ravelry group in your blog sidebar along with our KAL badge!
I can't tell you all how excited I am about the KAL - and I really hope you'll join us! ^_^
- Lisa x